Frequently Asked Question
What do I do if I haven’t received my "Student Registration" email from the Student Registry?
Last Updated 9 years ago
A. If you are a student starting a new course, Press the ‘Create Account’ button in the Registration Self-Service log in page and complete your details. You will then be emailed a password.
Return to the Registration Self-Service log in page, use your new password and complete the Student Registration screens.
B. If you are continuing your studies or waiting for your results Go to the CamSIS Student login page. Click on ‘Register your personal information’, in the blue box at the top of the screen. Complete the Student Registration screens.
If you are having problems with either of these steps, please consult the Student Registration FAQ or contact the Student Registry directly, by email:
Return to the Registration Self-Service log in page, use your new password and complete the Student Registration screens.
B. If you are continuing your studies or waiting for your results Go to the CamSIS Student login page. Click on ‘Register your personal information’, in the blue box at the top of the screen. Complete the Student Registration screens.
If you are having problems with either of these steps, please consult the Student Registration FAQ or contact the Student Registry directly, by email: