Frequently Asked Question

How do I connect an Xbox to the Darwin network?
Last Updated 10 years ago

Games consoles can only be connected to the College network via the wired network as they are not compatible with eduroam wifi. To connect the Xbox to the wired network you must first identify the MAC address of your Xbox:
  1. Scroll Down to "My Xbox" and select System Settings
  2. On the new screen, select Network Settings
  3. Select Configure Network
  4. Under Basic Settings, check to make sure IP Settings is on Automatic
  5. Go right to select the Additional Settings Tab
  6. Go down and select the second item Advanced Settings
  7. Toward the bottom of the screen you should see Wired MAC Address. The MAC Address is the number below this.
  8. Make a note of this and submit it as IT Support/Network Issue(s) Help Ticket with your CRSID and room details in this Support System

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